Client Success Stories

 Don't just take my word for it. 

Here's what some of my clients have to say about working with me:
On behalf of ATD Ft. Worth/Mid-Cities,  
I want to extend our deepest gratitude for your exceptional presentation at our May chapter meeting.  
Your insights, expertise, and engaging delivery left a lasting impact on all who attended.  
I know I personally took quite a few notes.    
Your willingness to share your knowledge and experiences with our members truly enriched the event and contributed significantly to our collective growth and understanding in personal resilience.  
Your ability to share your story and engage us in sharing ours demonstrated your mastery of the subject matter and provided invaluable insights that our members can apply in their personal and professional endeavors.   
The feedback from our members has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their appreciation for the authenticity you shared and the strategies for cultivating resilience were insightful.  
Your presentation has undoubtedly left a lasting impression and will continue to resonate with our community in the days and weeks to come. 
Once again, thank you for your valuable contribution to our meeting. 
We sincerely hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future for further collaboration and knowledge sharing.  
Take care and best wishes for continued success!

Danielle R.
President | Association for Talent Development - Fort Worth/Mid-Cities Chapter

Walking away after this hour has me a lot more motivated to tell my story in my own authentic way...
this idea of enrolling versus sellings is going to stick in my head.

Raina G. 
Inclusive Leadership, Executive and Career Coach

Thank you Alex for being our keynote speaker.
Your energy and connection was the perfect kick-off to our conference.
Your hope and real connection was such an inspiration.

Freida MacDonald 
CADCI | Founder; Know Hope NC

Janet T.
Executive Coach; Consultant

Sharmeen B.
Certified Coach; Best-Selling Author

Tavon B.
Assistant Director

Hi Alex, I wanted to write a few words for you, thank you so much for gifting me your time and energy!  

I have just completed my own momentum and magic coaching with Alex and I loved every moment. It was grounding and playful at the same time. Alex helped keep my focus on what really matters but also encouraged me to explore the things that distracted me so I knew how to stay on my path.

He asked amazing questions but he mainly listened and held space so that I could do the work. I loved the stories he shared, always with a purpose and so helpful and reassuring.

He made things seem easier and possible and although the things I now have planned are scary, I see what’s on the other side of the fear.  
I don’t want to feel unafraid of my potential, I like the scariness, but I feel more equipped to step into it and keep my momentum going. Thanks Alex! Lucy UK 

Lucy W.
Life Coach

Vimari R.
Career Strategist

John R.
Life Coach

Hana J.
Executive Coach

Before I met him I was really struggling with my mind and my confidence and my self-esteem.
I thought it would just be a typical section because I've been working with a lot of coaches in the last six months but then in the session.

 Alex asked me really deep, good questions to the core to go to the deeper root of the problem and
bring back my focus to what I’m doing now.
Alex asked me to bring my focus and attention to where I want to go and to resolve the past experiences and the past emotions and to move forward and he gave me space to let me talk, to let me express and let me find the answer by myself and it was transformational.

If you have an opportunity to work with him, take it,
you won't regret a thing.

That's a guarantee!

Truong D.
Life Coach